This is a double whammy... I love banks and cast iron... this is an old dime bank...
This is an old railroad step stool... I paid $2.00 for this at a garage was the sellers grandfathers....I truly don't understand how someone could let go of a piece of history especially when it is attached to a family member... I guess I am way too sentimental...
This cabinet was a freebie... my BF found it in an old house they were tearing down... of course I had to paint it black... my china finally came out of hiding after 35 years... there goes that sentimental thing again... 

For all my American friends out there I am sure you are all familiar with Big Lots... I spotted this tucked away in a corner on one of my visits... it was close to my birthday and my BF asked me what I would like... well since he asked... off he went to Big Lots and I directed him right to it... thank God for cell phones...(as he was talking to me they were marking it down... it was a steal at the regular price... how does 209.00 sound to you... sounded great to me... yes it is an island and it weights a ton...) he paid for it and had to go back and pick it up later... as he was walking out the door a lady was trying to buy it off of him.... the manager told him a woman came in and insisted that he sell it to her... he tried to explain it was bought and paid for... she didn't care she wanted it and that was that... needless to say she lost that war... and it now sits in my kitchen.
a replica vintage phone...
I love birds...
and I just love clocks... as you might tell
this is an antique rocker made from a cotton ginny... my DBF bought me for Christmas a few years back...
a small display cabinet... with some more of my vintage clocks...
some of my crows...
I had to chain this rooster lamp down... everyone wanted to go home with it...
another passion of mine... dog figurines
I would have to put this up there in the oh I can't believe I found that for... list... BF found this at a garage sale for 25.00 it came with 3 chairs...
this was given to me by a friend... it is an old wooden organ pipe that came from the Riveria Theatre in North Tonawanda, NY... It makes the perfect shelf for some of my handmade gameboards and some pottery pieces and the pussy willows are from my garden... love those fuzzy little guys
This shelf is actually an old piece of barn wood placed on two brackets...
I found this signed oil painting at a garage sale for 5.00... they wanted a lot more but it was the end of the day and that was all I had left... this reminds me of my dog growing up...including digging up the roses... everytime I look at this I smile...
I got this sweet little doll carriage (what's left of it) at a GS for 5.00 ... it had been sitting in a barn for over 60 years...
all I did was dust it off
I love the old cabinet painted black. I can't believe that was a freebie...lucky girl. It looks so chic. I also like the rooster lamp.
Ms. VW said ...You have the gift of seeing things as to what they can become. Looking forward to your next open house.
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