On the way to meeting Rose we found a garage sale and the greatest shop called Hannah Leigh Antiques Etc. at 6939 Route 20, Sangerville, NY... and the nicest owner, Lucille. She got it... she knows there is a recession and her prices reflect that... needless to say I did some serious damage at her place. I convinced Rose that we had to go back there and she would find all the treasures she wanted right there.
Get your coffee I think this is going to be one of those long ones... better get your kleenex too, I promise you there is going to be some drooling when you see some of the prices.
Well enough talking, let's get on with the show...
I was so thrilled to find this butter churn for $22.00, Lucille decided that was too much and knocked it down to $15.00... I knew right then she had me hooked...
Rose was determined that this was coming home with me...
she actually made Mr. D. buy this for me...
$25.00 now I thought that was a little high but I love it.
I already found a use for it... hahahaha
I love the advertising on this thermometer... $20.00
look at that lovely rust... I found these at two different garage sales... I convinced the seller that she really wanted to sell me that grid... are you sitting down... how does $3.00 sound... It took everything in my power to refrain myself from doing the happy dance right there... they needed to get it off the wall with the spade fork so I bought that too for $5.00, that will look great in the garden with a birdhouse attached... I have been searching for one of these original pumps for years, but being cheap I always passed them up until now... the guy wanted $20.00 I offered him $15.00 and he took it... Score... you can't touch these at home for less than $50.00... oh how I love a bargain.
This was just meant to be...
In all the excitement yesterday,
I didn't even realize until this morning that the date on this is my birthday...
add another 11 years mind you... $20.00
now how is this for a different primitive piece... any guesses? It is Amish made and has to do with snow... can you imagine sitting on this, sliding down a slope... eeek, not this girl... it is going right in my garden as a plant stand... I will have to figure out a way to prop it up... for $5.00 I knew it was mine
I am not quite sure what I will use these for but they will make for an interesting display... check out that dove tailing on the box... $24.00... this one was at the expensive shop, but I have never come across these before so I bit the bullet
this is one more thing off my want list... I have an old pair of roller skates but no key... I have bid on these a few times on Ebay and lost each time... they were way more pricier than this one... $3.00
I am always looking for a small screwdriver for tight spots... I love this old wooden one... $2.00
I have a collection of Firkin Buckets... this will be a cute addition... this is a repro but I loved the colour and the small size... $4.00 at one of the garage sales
I have several of these wooden pins already... this one is about 24" tall... hopefully Goof Off will remove that terrible paint job... $7.00
this is another piece that is going in my garden... Mr. D. thought I paid way too much for this... maybe so but I loved it... I don`t come across these too often so I grabbed it... $20.00
this must have been for a pretty high class cow... I have never seen one with all that design work before... this will be added to another collection... $5.00
a true prim piece... a cornbread pan
you really didn`t think I was going to pass up cast iron and for $5.00 it had my name all over it...
even Mr. D. got in the action...
he fell in love with this fishing mirror and had to have it... he is an avid fisherman, if it smells or even resembles a fish he`s all over it...lol
these will go nicely with my old ice box at home... $2.00
a couple of old insulators... these were a little different than what I am used to seeing...
Lucille gave me FREE... thank you Lucille
Lucille gave me FREE... thank you Lucille
Lucille was so happy that Rose and I made her day worthwhile she gave me this FREE also...
a couple $1.00 items from a garage sale... two1944 calendars on one day from 2 different places... hmmm, is there a message there...lol
another beer crock to add to my growing collection... I know too many collections...
$7.00 was a good price for one of these... another wooden box... $3.00... these are great for staging a shelf... I love the little scissors for $2.00 and the scratch stick was another freebe from Lucille...
I know more crocks... but these are really small, something I have never run across before...
2 for $5.00
if you are familiar with pie birds you will recognize these little guys... I love these and you don`t see these too often... and look at that sweet little creamer, I couldn`t resist it for 1.00... pie birds were $10.00 each... the cute little cheese box was $4.00
you really didn`t expect me to pass on a game board... this one was too unique... it is from L.L. Bean and I love that the marbles are contained... $7.00
are you getting tired yet... I can wait until you have a nap and a potty break... there`s still more coming...
Sorry folks, I was just kidding... I lost my signal right after I posted that line... lol
This one is for Denise... she is so patiently waiting for more... we just have to wait until she wrings out her mop... lol... we are going to make a primitive girl out of her yet...
Look at this cute little phone... it is a memo station... $2.00
some more cute prim pieces... the ruler is a slider, I haven't got one like that... and check out that cute little level... I have this unknown love for old wooden tools... I can't resist them... I will get some use of that level though... check out the cast iron match holder, isn't that adorable...
Epson Salt tin... $4.00 - little level - $2.00 - slide ruler - $2.00 - primitive butter scoop - $4.00 - cast iron match holder... $5.00
look at that adorable little pic on there...
this is for my new Grand Daughter that we are expecting in November... oh wait she won`t be allowed to play with matches... oh darn, I guess I will have to keep it for me
I know I forgot to tell you all the good news... it is a little girl... now how could I have kept that to myself... but we only found out a couple of weeks ago... don`t worry before this child is born you will be begging me to stop... I have some serious work ahead of me... a dresser to paint, a desk to paint, change table to paint... bookcase to decorate... room to decorate... so consider yourselves warned...lol
look at this awesome stick... it has numbers on it up to 60...
now won't that make a great grow stick for...
isn't that the sweetest name... Mya Patricia is going to be the little ones name... Patricia is after my Mom... she would be so happy... my daughter was pregnant when Mom died but we didn't know it at the time... but I am sure Mom is watching over her little Angel...
I found a whole alphabet of these for .25 cents at one of the garage sales
look at this cute rusty wagon... I found this a little thrift shop on the way to Cooperstown the other day... this will look cute with some rag balls in it... I paid way too much for this but I just loved it and I think it was homemade... $20.00
I found this in Cooperstown also, I have wanted one of these for so long for an old rocking chair I have... $20.00
I always buy a Christmas ornament when we go away...
this one if for my little buddy Leo
Lucille was so kind to give me these free... don't you just love them...
Well this is me waving goodbye for now... I can't get this signal to stay... we are off to town to find a stick... who knows what else we may find along the way.
Hope you all enjoyed the treasure hunt with me... thanks for stopping by and being patient... I am sure I will have more to come later.

Have a great day...
I didn't need a kleenex to wipe up the drool, try a mop and bucket! Looking forward to seeing more.
Great finds. You know I love all the crockery. Okay, I've pottied, got my cold drink and I'm ready for the next group. :)
wow deb! tons of great stuff. My favorite is that the calendar his your birthdate! awesome!
You got some great deals too! How you gonna get all this stuff home? lol Ya'll are gonna have to pull a trailer behind you.
been working on the bedroom. still lots to do. Mostly piddling things.
take care!
Just a little friendly envy going on here...can't believe you scored so much at one place! I went to a garage sale this weekend and came home empty handed :( Oh well, guess that's my cue to finish up what I have on hand - lol
I would have absolutely freaked out if I found that butter churn, it matches my dishware! What a find, I'm so envious!
wow...what kind of car did you drive tehre..lol...lotws and lots of fun finds...love the embrealla stand..hehehe! enjoy your time...
cannot wait to see some remakes here too...
send on the next group of fun stuff
What a great day of thrifting! I love the pie birds, the Buster Brown Bread thermometer, and the little crocks. Everything is so unique! Great shopping! Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway! Good Luck! ★Linda★
BTW~ our youngest granddaughter is named Mya also!
Wow Deb...I want to shop with you! what a score you came home with. All amazing things with so much history. Wouldn't it be great if each item could tell it's own story.
Found you blog over at Donna's (Funky Junk Interiors) and I could resist, the name of your blog sucked me in. I'll surely drop in again to see what other goodies you uncover.
Off to find a stick...is that ominous or curiouser and curiouser?
What were you driving? You got all that stuff home? And did I hear you were camping? Must have had the best decorated site.
Lots of nice finds, a mix of old and very old. Naturally I fell for the cow's bell. I have a small collection of them from my uncle's farm and from Saint Bernard (owning) friends who travel to Switzerland.
Thanks for sharing your great score with us.
Deb,oh my! So much good stuff. I love the ad thermometer...Glad you had a good day with Rose! Lezlee
Fun things, I found some great treasures the last couple weekends too, will have to post them soon, I just love the sale season, it is short here in ND.
I am happy for all your wonderful finds, of course, I am majorly jealous...but, come on....you would be too if I found all of that...you KNOW you would!!
I just found your blog and love it!!! I think I'm looking in all the wrong places...I have a hard time finding things like this at those prices!! You go girl!!
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